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  Square Flower Necklace
This graceful pendant is handmade in Maine by Chaya Caron, using recycled sterling silver. The ¾" pendant is subtly oxidized and has a satin finish, giving the perpetually blooming flowers a beautiful glow, like the fresh blossoms of each new spring.

“Flowers are love’s truest language.” –Park Benjamin (1809-1864), American poet and journalist

Flowers are the love-language of the green, growing world. The blooms produced by flowering plants are the means by which a seed is made, and new plants grow. It is no wonder we see flowers as symbols of romance: their purpose in life is to romance the birds and the bees, quite literally!

Flowers produce pollen, a fine dust full of plant DNA that must be conveyed, somehow, to other flowers in order to create the life-bearing seeds. Flowers also produce nectar, a nutrient-rich, sugary confection that just so happens to be a delicious food for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and even certain mammals. In searching for nectar, these creatures convey pollen from flower to flower, ensuring the future of the plant.

For instance, the trumpet creeper has adapted flowers perfectly-suited to the ruby-throated hummingbird’s tastes. The flowers are long and slender, perfect for humming up to, and fire-engine red - utterly irresistible to the tiny bird. The hummingbird thrums and zooms between flowers, filling its belly with nectar, the pollen collecting on its brilliant feathers. The plant and animal are unwittingly engaged in an ancient love affair. How romantic!

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